The ever popular Casio FX-9750GII. The fx-9750GII supports students and educators from High School to University, and is the most widely used graphing calculator in NCEA exams.

Its icon-based menu is easy to navigate and the soft-menus makes it easy to access functionality for common tasks. The intuitive software design facilitates a student’s grasp of mathematical concepts, by encouraging student engagement with mathematics, rather than the memorization of keys to effectively promote student success.

  • Easily calculate vales for given independent/dependent values
  • Interactive Equation Solver
  • Built-in graphing of conic sections 200+ hours of battery life
  • Capable of graphing X= relations
  • Streamlined solving for intercepts, intersections, etc.


SKU: FX-9750GII-N-P Categories: ,

Casio fx-9750GII Graphics Calculator Pink


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